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S. Mechbal, M. Ackermann, and M. Kowalski (2024) “Machine learning applications for the study of AGN physical properties using photometric observations”, accepted to A&A, arXiv:2303.18076

S. Mechbal and N. Feigl,  (2023) “Characterization and testing of the IceCube Upgrade mDOM”, PoS(ICRC2023)1183

IceCube Collaboration et al. (2021) “Design and performance of the multi-PMT optical module for IceCube Upgrade”, PoS(ICRC2021)1070

S. Mechbal, J. M. Clem, P. Evenson, B. Lucas, R. P. Johnson, P.S Mangeard, J. Roth, "Measurement of low-energy cosmic-ray electron and positron spectra at 1 AU with the AESOP-Lite spectrometer", 2020 ApJ 903 21

P.S Mangeard, J. M. Clem, P. Evenson, B. Lucas, R. P. Johnson, S. Mechbal, J. Roth, "Ground and flight performances of the balloon-borne magnetic spectrometer AESOP-Lite", PoS(ICRC2019)1116

K. Perez, T. Aramaki, C. Hailey, R. Carr, T. Erjavec, H. Fuke, A. Garvin, C. Harper, G. Kewley, N. Madden, S. Mechbal, F. Rogers, N. Saffold, G. Tajiri, K. Tokuda, J. Williams, M. Yamada, ”Fabrication of low-cost, large-area prototype Si(Li) detectors for the GAPS experiment”, NIM A 905, 12-22 (2018)

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